San Pedro Belize Resort Amenities
Daily Housekeeping:
Daily housekeeping service is provided between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. During daily room service, the maid will make sure you have a coffee replacement, dishwashing liquid, refill ice containers and, of course, make sure that your suite is comfortable and clean.
Laundry service is available through outside services. Same-day delivery is available with a drop off in the morning by 8:00 am. A Laundry bag and Laundry price list are located inside the room closet.
In-room safe boxes:
For your comfort, in-room safes are available in each unit. Here you can place your valuable document and/or cameras.
Pool/Beach Towels:
Pool/Beach Towels are provided to each guest at check-in time. You can exchange dirty for clean between the hours of 6:00 am at 6:30 pm.
Purified Water
A pitcher of purified water is placed in your suite during daily maid service. A fountain of purified water is available on each floor for guests refill as desired.
Transfer services
SunBreeze Suites is located right at the north edge of the Town. If you are arriving via water taxi the Ocean Ferry Belize is just about 20 feet south of the hotel and the San Pedro Belize Express is just about 60 feet south of the hotel. Taxi’s are readily available if you wish to hire one, and it will cost approximately US $5.00. The San Pedro Airstrip is about a 10 minutes walk from SunBreeze Suites, and taxi service is available right outside the terminal. The cost is about US $5.00 Bellman service is available to assist you to your room and with your luggage.
Front Desk/Concierge Service
The front desk personnel loves to be of assistance and are more than happy to provide you with activity and dinner recommendations in San Pedro. Also, arrange excursions to the Maya Ruins, Cave Tubing, Zip Lining, and many other popular Belize day trips available with pick-ups at nearby dock. Round the clock support.
Here's what our guests are saying
“Excellent experience for our first trip to Belize. Would not hesitate to stay at SunBreeze Suites if ever in San Pedro, Belize again. Great location and quality facility. No complaints with any of the amenities.”